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The following links have great information for seller's, such as things to to do to help your home sell faster and at a higher price, a moving checklist to help keep you organized, and tons of tips in the seller's news.

Market Analysis
How much is your home worth? Submit your property information to RE2K to receive a free CMA.

Seller's Guide
The seller's guide will provide you with tips on what to know when selling your home, what you should do if you need a quick sell, what needs to be disclosed and much more!

Preparing Your Home For Sale
Simple exterior and interior improvements and tips to make your house more appealing to the eye of buyers and help your home sell faster.

Moving Checklist
Use this checklist to make sure you don't leave anything behind, to make sure that you keep all valuable with you or in a safe place, and other things that may slip your mind in the busy selling and moving process.

How to Get Top Dollar for Your Home
Little touch ups, and things you can do to make your home look newer, cleaner, bigger and more valuable! Find out what makes the difference between homes that sell and homes that don't.

Seller's Tips
Some great news articles with information about fsbo's, escrow, how to find a good agent and much more.

Market Analysis
Seller's Guide
Prepare Your Home
Moving Checklist
How To Get Top Dollar
Seller's Tips

Tips For Sellers
What is Escrow?
Both buyer and seller deserve the assurance that no funds or property will change hands until all of the instructions in the Purchase Contract have been satisfied. Buyers and sellers submit signed documents and buyer’s deposit money to be held by an independent neutral third party (Escrow).
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